Pulmonary Embolism Protocol


Information for Scheduling the Exam

  1. No patient preparation is needed.

Information for MRI Technologists


1.      Cardiac Coil

2.      EKG Gating

3.      Area to cover on coronal sequences…

a.       From 2 cm above aortic arch to the base of the heart

Pulse Sequences- PHILIPS

1.      3 plane survey

2.      Axial BTFE – cardiac gated (similar to cardiac protocol)

a.       4 mm contiguous; non breath hold

3.      Coronal MRA (Precontrast)

a.       4 mm slice thickness with 50% overlap

b.      Flip angle ~40 degrees

c.       CENTRA, no fatsat

d.      breathhold

    1. IV Contrast- 0.1 mmol/kg MultiHance
    2. Begin scan when contrast reaches the SVC

5.      Coronal MRA (Postcontrast)

a.       same as #3, obtained only once

6.      Axial eTHRIVE (Postcontrast)

a.       4 mm slice thickness with 50% overlap

b.      Obtained once, immediately after the previous sequence

c.       Flip angle 15 degrees, no fatsat, breathhold

7.      Axial SS-TSE

a.       TE~200;  5 mm slice thickness at 4 mm increments with 1 mm overlap



·         MR Imaging of Pulmonary Embolism: Diagnostic Accuracy of Contrast-enhanced 3D MR Pulmonary Angiography, Contrast-enhanced Low–Flip Angle 3D GRE, and Nonenhanced Free-Induction FISP Sequences Radiology April 2012



Rev: April 19, 2012


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