Single Shot Fast Spin Echo (SSFSE, or SS-TSE)

   A subsecond single-section T2-weighted technique. A single excitation pulse is followed by a rapid train of refocused echoes, providing all the data needed for the image. Because the center of k-space is sampled within a fraction of a second, motion-induced artifact is nearly absent.
   SSFSE is used for most coronal localizer images, providing a rapid, motion-independent T2-weighted survey. Heavily T2-weighted SSFSE images are used for MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and to characterize solid versus non-solid liver masses.

SSFSE localizer image with TEef = 180msec. Arrow indicates non-obstructing calculus.
In the same patient, thick slab MRCP with TEef of 750 msec. Short arrows indicate pancreatic duct.
Axial SSFSE image with TEef = 180 msec in a different patient. Arrow indicates cavernous hemangioma with signal intensity much higher than that of spleen (S).

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